Sunday, 2 August 2015

Day 17 - Sleeping Buffalo to Glasgow 57 miles

We aimed to set out early from Sleeping Buffalo to get to Glasgow in good time for the Rodeo, but a couple of punctures that had deflated Jake and Owens' tyres overnight had other ideas, so we departed around 9am. The mosquitoes were rediculous all day, and an early headwind as well as aching joints made going slow in the morning. As we rode, irrigation ditches and creeks lined the road which made great breeding grounds for the mosquitoes. With 3 inches of rain having fallen last week here, they were out in force. At one point we each had a cloud of hitchhikers on and around our panniers. The big spray helped to keep them off ourselves, although we still came out of it with a fresh set collection of bites. Every uphill, when the pace slowed, the mosquitoes would catch up and it would start all over again.

We stopped early after 25 miles for lunch as it was the last town with a restaurant where we could shelter indoors. The temperature outside meanwhile soared again above 40C. After a quick lunch we set out again to cover the last 30 mile section to Glasgow.

The headwind thankfully turned to a tailwind which made the going somewhat easier, but a few more creeks intersected the road meaning hills in and out of them which with sore knees slowed us down. Another puncture resulted in Owen having to stop suddenly and unexpectedly without warning. I was busy opening up a chocolate bar and didn't notice, resulting in me having to swerve around to avoid a collision. Loose gravel meant it could only end one way and my wheel slipped out from under me and my front wheel got caught perpendicularly in a rumble strip cut into the road. I broke the fall with my elbows and face but came out with just a small graze on my elbow, nothing major. A pickup driver whop saw this hung around until I was up and waving to say it was all good, and another driver stopped to see if he could help as Owen repaired the puncture. The locals have mostly been very generous and helpful.

We got to Glasgow at 1540 and made camp for 1600. We cleaned up and made straight for the local Dairy Queen (like the McDonalds of icecream parlours over here) and then investigated the local Rodeo. It was the Ranchers Rodeo today and we saw them competing to see how many cattle they could round up into a trailer in 3 minutes with 5 ranchers on horses. Then we watched the ranches compete in bareback bronc riding which was a lot more exciting, at riders were thrown against metal railings and off horses!

A full rest day tomorrow and potentially the next day to rest the joints and recover before we set out for Fargo which we should make after a few days cycling. The rodeo continues over the weekend to plenty to see and do.

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