Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Day 7 - Colville to Newport 84 miles

We opted for an early start today to beat the heat, knowing it was straight up a pass from Colville in the morning. This worked and with plenty of trees for shade, cooler temperatures around 30C and a shallower gradient made for an enjoyable morning. We made the top of the pass by midday and the next town soon after after a short, sharp and winding descent.

The store at Tiger was closed so lunch would have to wait, so we cracked on up the Pend Orielle River still along Route 20.  A constant headwind ate into our reserves and it was a welcome break when we reached a campground with a shop around 2pm to buy a quick lunch.

To combat the headwind we rotated through taking turns at the front and this was the first time we noticed the effects of this. It was remarkably easier in the middle or back.

We grinded on and made Newport on schedule at 6pm, passing a materials manufacturing plant that had apparently exploded the previous day! Plenty of fire engines around the site.

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